We all have spent lovely time with cute little kids once in our lifetime. We know that children are filled with joy and wonder. Every child is an artist. Have you noticed Most of them love to draw a lot?
Their drawings are especially delightful because of their endless imagination. They draw big heads, little bodies, beaks with a smiley mouth, round or square shaped animals. That’s the fun part of their imagination. To be sure, you also have these experiences with kids’ drawings.
Most of these kids’ doodles end up hanging on their fridges and walls at home. But professional Executive Creative Director “Tom Curtis” shares his two kids’ amazing drawings worldwide. Tom translates his kid’s drawings into real-life pictures with a bit of humor. But he keeps the kids’ original drawing idea as it is.
Tom’s realistic bizarre images are funny to watch, and they are both hilarious and terrifying at the same time. Let’s scroll down to the Toms and his kids’ magical and crazy-wonder world.