HomeUncategorizedThe Last Tear of a Homeless Man on His Beloved Friend

The Last Tear of a Homeless Man on His Beloved Friend

We come across many people who do not forget their pets, even in their final moments. There are also cases of pets staying with their owners even as they pass away.

Juan Sebastian, 69, a homeless man from Arcadia, Florida, died after being brutally attacked while sleeping in a park by an unidentified man. He never regained consciousness after the assault.

Source: WINK News

Ramos is a friend of Sebastian’s and even gives him food on special occasions. He spent two weeks in the hospital with Sebastian, hoping the wounds inflicted by the unknown assailant would not hurt.

Source: WINK News

In this case, Ramos did something extra-special for Sebastian. Cheeto, Sebastian’s pet, served as his best friend and closest relative. In his final moments, Ramos decided to show off Cheeto as a way to say goodbye.

Source: WINK News

It is a highly emotional time. When his dog Cheeto was brought to the hospital in a coma, his eyes welled up with tears. His faithful dog stood guard by his side.

Source: WINK News

“We put Juan’s hand on Cheeto, and then Cheeto laid his head on his hand, and it was the weirdest thing because tears started coming out of Juan’s eyes,” Tammy Ramos told WINK News.

Source: WINK News

Sebastian and Cheeto are frequently observed in the community with his shopping cart full of cans. The community liked Sebastian because he was a calm individual. The community didn’t understand why this seemingly good man was attacked.  Cheeto was adopted by a second neighbor because they wanted him to remain in the neighborhood.

“People living on the streets, mostly elders. Since they are unable to care for themselves, society pays little attention. This puts them at risk, and it will happen again. We must not disregard them. There must be a voice for the homeless.” Ramos spoke to WINK.



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