HomeAbandonedThis Haunted Canadian Castle, will Take You Back to the Middle Age

This Haunted Canadian Castle, will Take You Back to the Middle Age

In fact, Canada has few breath-taking castles which looks like belongs in Medieval times. Among that Stone Hall Castle is a one you can visit to get a unique experience.

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The Castle is located at Regina, Saskatchewan. Where it brings you a sight of a castle in Game of Thrones. The 16th to 18th century furniture designs and old master oil paintings added some haunted appearance within the premises.

Stone Hall Castle
Source: stonehallcastle/IG

However, you cannot see the classic turrets and stone works from the outside of the castle.

It has built by the former mayor, Francis Nicholson Darke. He had an intention to having a fortress that could withstand natural disasters. This solid stone fortress has completed with a bomb shelter.

Stone Hall Castle
Source: stonehallcastle/IG

As per rumors’ the property was haunted, Darke and his wife still haunt it. In addition to that people says that, the elderly gentleman’s painting hang within also attached to some bad energy.

Soruce: stonehallcastle/IG

Some people had left the castle tour after prone to panic attacks and anxiety, after seeing this painting. But still the place has a romantic quality. Some couples take their weddings in here.


After years spent renovating the interior of the castle to create the full-fledged Medieval style structure it is today, the castle opened to the public from 2015.



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