HomeFunnyYou Never Believe, These Unusual Pet Have their Own Fan Base on...

You Never Believe, These Unusual Pet Have their Own Fan Base on Social Media

Do you have a pet? Some people do not care about it much. When they feel the loyalty of a dog or the love of a cat, they will realize how wonderful it is. Always pet could become a good companion to humans. Does not matter whether it is a dog, a cat, or a hamster; they become a part of a family with a beautiful bond.

Anyway, today you are not going to meet those usual pets that everyone talking. It is about some unusual animals you do not expect to see as pets. The best thing is that these animals could create their own social identity like a celebrity. The huge fan base they own made them more special.

#1. Franklin.the.snake

Franklin is a ball python live in Arizona; it has 107.2K TikTok (@franklin.the.snake) followers with 3.6MN likes and 1010 (#franklin.the.snake) followers on Instagram.

#2. Bunnydayoff

Meet the supermodel bunny from Los Angeles. If you visit its Instagram (#bunnydayoff), there are many images from different costumes and poses. As of today, it has 414K Instagram followers.

#3. Penelope the Hedgehog

You would not believe that now you are reading about the famous hedgehog, which has been awarded as “Portland’s sharpest social media star” by Fox 24 news. Penelope engaged in promoting traveling in Portland. The current fanbase is around 8.2K (#hedgiepenelop).

#4. Goliath the Leopard Geco

There is no doubt you have seen some reptile pets, But a Geco? Yes, it is true. Goliath has 1.3Mn TikTok (@gogothegeco) followers with 14.6Mn likes and 19.7K on Instagram (#gogothegeco).

#5. Hamlet_the_Piggy

Another Instagram star has 336K followers with her (#HamletthePiggy). Currently, she resides in Nashville. Her profile is full of photos with different fashions.

#6. Pumpkintheracoon

It is hard to believe that some one having a racoon as a domestic pet. I changed my mind after seen @pumplintheracoon on Instagram. The 1.2Mn fan base always send love and care over her.

#7. Realdiddykong

Away from the fluffy and onto the cheeky, what could be cheekier than a monkey. This little influencer has 882K followers on Instagram.



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